Maria Cecilia Amaya
3 min readNov 2, 2018


Semana del 6 de noviembre


Jose Chocontá, nuestro chef en Black Bear estrenando nuestros nuevos platos.

Black Bear’s chef Jose Chocontá launching our new dishes. #BlackBear .
#restaurantesbogota #blackbearbogota#Cocina&rawbar #bogotarestaurants#chef #foods #comfortfood #rawfood#raw #tasty
#hungry #familymeal #dinner #lunch#therawbar #bogota #eeeeeats #cocktails#takami



Raviolis cuatro quesos al sartén, salsa de tomates rostizados y albahaca.

Pan fried four cheese ravioli with roasted tomato sauce and basil.#BlackBear .
#restaurantesbogota #blackbearbogota#Cocina&rawbar #bogotarestaurants#chef #foods #comfortfood #rawfood#raw #tasty
#hungry #familymeal #dinner #lunch#therawbar #bogota #eeeeeats #cocktails#takami


La tarde comienza en el Raw Bar de Black Bear. Prosciutto de pato: Pechuga de pato curada en casa, servida con tomates cherry, aguacate asado y aceite de chile.

Afternoons at Black Bear begin in our Raw Bar. Duck prosciutto: House cured duck breast sliced and served with cherry tomatoes, burnt avocado, and chili oil.
#restaurantesbogota #blackbearbogota#Cocina&rawbar #bogotarestaurants#chef #foods #comfortfood #rawfood#raw #tasty
#hungry #familymeal #dinner #lunch#therawbar #bogota #eeeeeats #cocktails#takami


Disfrute la noche de viernes con unos buenos tragos, sea bienvenido a la barra de Black Bear.

Be our guest at the Black Bear bar and begin your Friday night with some drinks.

#restaurantesbogota #blackbearbogota#Cocina&rawbar #bogotarestaurants#chef #foods #comfortfood #rawfood#raw #tasty
#hungry #familymeal #dinner #lunch#therawbar #bogota #eeeeeats #cocktails#takami





Maria Cecilia Amaya
Maria Cecilia Amaya

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